Buyers that have purchased through our events testify the process was easy and they believe it is the best method for getting a property at market value.
RealtyHive is committed to having only the properties of motivated sellers in our marketplace. All properties have a buyer engagement price range so you know sellers are looking for offers in that predetermined price range. Once an offer or bid is accepted on a property, it then goes through the normal closing process.
You have ample time in a non-pressured environment to examine and inspect every property using any professional resources you are comfortable with. All properties are transferred to the new owner subject to a free & clear title. And RealtyHive never allows sellers or their representatives to bid against your offer like some sites do.
By removing a property prior to an event, the buyer has the ability to include terms, conditions, and contingencies to be presented to the seller for consideration. With all properties, we have local agents available to show and answer any questions you may have. If you have a current agent, we can assist the in your bid or offer on the property. Just have them contact us!
You will know the true current market value of the property based on the competitive bidding if you elect to engage through the actual event. All properties can be removed from any event with an acceptable offer to the seller, eliminating any potential competition.
What do you think that property you're looking at is worth? Register and place a bid to find out! We at RealtyHive work hard everyday to make your interaction with us as pleasant and responsive as possible. Call and talk to one of our Customer Service Heroes and see! 888-662-1020

RealtyHive gave me the opportunity to purchase before the auction and the transaction was as smooth as any transaction I have had. I look forward to future investment opportunities with them.