RealtyHive Marketplace - Property Profile
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$19.95/mo + 0.5% at closing
or $124.95/mo
$19.95/mo + 1% at closing
or $249.95/mo
Time-Limited Events
The best exposure there is. Imagine what 28x increase in daily average views over normal real estate exposure can do for you.
Time-Limited events create a sense of urgency and puts your property in a premier position to attract buyers from all over the globe.
The process allows you to retain full control of the final sales price while engaging a greater number of potential buyers through range pricing. Being a time-limited environment it increases competition and creates urgency for your potential buyers.
+ everything included in “I Want Marketing”
Every property deserves to shine and you shouldn't have to pay more to make your photos larger, to get a longer description, or to be able to add a video.
Our programs focus on the level of exposure you want.
Additional features
Marketing Matters
Local, regional, and international advertising.
Yes, real online ads. Your property is getting showcased across the globe to audiences that are motivated to buy.
Additional features
Additional features
Your property dashboard gives you the full details of your marketing campaign. Anytime, anywhere.